SaLam BloGgeR

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Numbers (Macam-macam Bilangan dalam bahasa Inggris)

Numbers (Macam-macam Bilangan dalam bahasa Inggris)
Numbers are divided in some kinds:

.      Cardinal number
Alias bilangan pokok… start from one, then two, three. . . dst dech

0 = zero/naught
1 = one
2 = two
3 = three
Dst. . .
11 = eleven
12 = twelve
13 = thirteen
14 = fourteen
15 = fifteen
Dst. . .
20 = twenty
30 = thirty
40= forty
Dst. . .
100 = one hundred
101 = one hundred and one
1000 = one thousand
1.000.000 = one million = one milliard = one trillion

2.      Ordinal number
Merupakan bilangan yang menyatakan tingkatan,or bilangan bertingkat.
Start from First (ke-1 alias pertama), trus second, third, dst. . .

Ke-1 : First (1st)
Ke 2 : Second (2nd)
Ke 3 : Third (3rd)
Ke 4 : Fourth (4th)
Belasan dan Puluhan
Ke-11 : eleventh (11th)
Ke-12 : twelfth (12th )
Ke-13 : thirteenth (13th)
Ke-15 : fifteenth (15th)
Ke 21 : twenty first
Ke 22 : twenty second
Induk Puluhan
Ke-20 : twentieth (20th)
Ke-30 : thirtieth (30th)
Ke-40 : fortieth (40th)
  Dst… pake …th

Ke-100            : hundredth
Ke-1000 : thousandth
Ke 1000.000 : millionth

3.      Fraction number
Adalah bilangan pecahan. Dalam komposisinya menggunakan cardinal and ordinal number.
Pola Umum nya (General form):
A ̸ B= cardinal/ordinal
Contoh :
 2/3   = two third
             5/7 = five seventh
A b/c = A cardinal/ordinal
3 5/8    = three and five eight
9 ¼      = nine and a quarter
Note: Khusus: ¼ = a quarter and ½ = a half

4.      Times Number
Merupakan Bentuk Kali,per perkalian. Bentuk umum nya adalah
a x b = a times b are . . .
1 x = once => is
2x = twice => are
3 x 10 = three times ten are . .
½ x ½ = a half times a half are . .
1 x 5 = once five is . . .
2 x 6 = twice six are . . .

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