SaLam BloGgeR

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

jangan diperbudak cinta, tapi jadikan cinta sebagai kekuatan mu


Upz… Get Real ! It loses cause. He’s a freaking Idiot. Never think him anymore. Stop slacking off. I had my heart set on him in the past. It’s beside the point. The fact, now, I can’t stand him so much. If he's here, I’ll tell him off. It’s over my head when he faded away. After all, it’s a good destiny. There must be wisdom from an event. Yaa Yaa. . . I think Yaa. (^,^)

Now… It’s time to hit the books, Buckle down and Think Big. I don’t wanna blow my tasks and cut class because of you.  So, am I stressed out because of him?When Pigs fly! Haha. ^lol^ I don’t give a hoot what people think. Life must go on. Guys, Don’t stand a chance of winning life competition! Hang in There. Dreams should b true. Let’s be success together. It’s For Mom, Daddy and brother. My Love is for them. God Willing! (InsyaAllah)

What do U think abt this writing?? Is it cool enought? actually, There's no special purpose. Just a common writting. I just wanna improve my English ability bcse I'm english learner. :-)

Hehee.. Ini cuma kata-kata doankz.. Semoga ja bisa jadi motivasi n pelajaran. DAri segi makna n segi bahasa nya. Pa lagi wad English Learner kaya aQ. tapi wad yang gak tau artinya, Bisa comment yang gak tau nya yang mana. Mungkin yg blue bold phrase yang tulisan warna biru tuuh, yang agak ribet artinya. ^,^ 

  • THe Blue phrases r Idioms. So, U can't transate each word. Hee ^,^ This is my way to learn English. I combines my new words in a writting.
  • This jusT my words . . . I've just combined the idioms in a writing.

1 komentar:

  1. good blog... nice information for english learner


Jangan Lupa tinggalin jejak Komen nya. . . Semoga Info nya Bermanfaat. Dan Tinggalin Jejak Like nya ea. Makasih (^,^)

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